
-> My blogging Experience -<

Well I think that the work in one special website like "blogspot" is very possitive because give to the students other place where practice the english. Was interesting the work in this page because the topic of the text was very atypical, like how will be our favorite job, or wich was our favorite subject, or one person that is or was important for the development of our career. About
if I enjoy the work in this page, I can say that didn't was very fun because was an obligation and not something complementary to the class.

Moreover, I think that this website help me to improve mi english, because sometimes I dont knew a word so I looked for this word and find this word help me to learn it. In other moments, I knew how say something but not write it, so help me to improve this aspect.

Well, about the advantages and disadvantages of use a blog in the English class, I think that is very positive because give other moment where apply the knowledge gived in the class.

-> My ideal Job <-

Well exist differents jobs in our society, so choice one is very difficult. I love the physical therapy so I think that my future job will be in this area(Im studying this career). The physical therapy have differents especialities and the especiality that I chosen is neurology or respiratory, two interesting are of the physical therapy. In the case of a job in the neurology area the best place for this job is the Teletón, this place have a very good equipment and the most important a very nice objetive that is the rehabilitation of little children.
For this job the main quality is the vocation to do this job, and the principal skill is know everything about the human body and the nervous system. I think that I would be good for this job mainly because I have the vocation for make this job. This job is not hard to find, in fact this especiality es highly required for the high numer of people that have neurological injuries.
Well, that was the idea that I have, in this moment, about how my ideal job will be.

-> My favorite Subject <-

Well, my favorite subject in this term is anatomy, the subject most difficult of the year. Maybe it looks extrange but it's is very funny . When you study this subject you see the bodies in the photograph of the book ( Anathomy of Netter) and later see the real body in front of you, is very interesting know all the muscles, nerves, veins ,arteries and all kinds of structures that you study before. In the first year are four the teachers that teach me anathomy, specifically two physical therapist, one sonographer and one doctor. They are very strict, the class with them is very intense but you learn a lot of things that you going to used before in your work. In this semester I have to learn all parts of the boy, the head , the neck , the upper limb, the lower limb and the thorax. I hope aprovethis subject without problems. Bye

-> Me in Five years <-

Well, I have thought many time about the idea that how I will be in five years, and many things come to my mind, but I will say as I wolud to be in five years. In the next five years I will be ending my career, physical therapy, if I approve all subjects with goods califications, I hope so. Maybe, I will be starting with my first job in some specifis place dedicated to the rehabilitation or maybe I will be taking a course for one especializations inside my career, in this point Im not very sure wich to chose, exist three options respiratory, neurology and physic. In the personal area, I hope to be happy with the things that Im doing, don´t think that I make mistake. Weel, this was a little idea that how I hope to be in five years, in the personal and academic area. Bye

-> A big Physical Therapist <-

Well, in the career physical therapy have existed a lot of physical therapist who have contributed to the development of the career since the begining. Nowadays one physical tharaper is working on a proyect that going to revolutionize the chilean physical therapy, her name is Veronica Aliaga, a teacher and a researcher from the Universidad de Chile. Her job consist in a investigation about the "Breast Cancer", and how the work of the physical theraper can help to the women to recovery from this disease. If the results of the investigation are positives this disease can be included in the health's program from Chile "GES" that mean "warranties of Health" before called "AUGE". It can be a big change in the society, because a lot of women can acces to the right treatment without spending money and have a better recovery. Well, as a physical therapy student, I hope that her job will be a success. Bye