Well, in the career physical therapy have existed a lot of physical therapist who have contributed to the development of the career since the begining. Nowadays one physical tharaper is working on a proyect that going to revolutionize the chilean physical therapy, her name is Veronica Aliaga, a teacher and a researcher from the Universidad de Chile. Her job consist in a investigation about the "Breast Cancer", and how the work of the physical theraper can help to the women to recovery from this disease. If the results of the investigation are positives this disease can be included in the health's program from Chile "GES" that mean "warranties of Health" before called "AUGE". It can be a big change in the society, because a lot of women can acces to the right treatment without spending money and have a better recovery. Well, as a physical therapy student, I hope that her job will be a success. Bye
1 comentarios:
It says: "one physical tharaper is working on a proyect that going to revolutionize the chilean physical therapy..."
It SHOULD SAY: ...a physical therapIST is working on a proJect that IS going to revolutionize Chilean physical therapy...
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